Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Being a mom

This morning at Mom To Mom we started a section on discipline. Oh the most wonderful part of parenting! Ryan and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to disciplining Jude and I am truly blessed by that. Several of the moms were seeking advice on how to come up with strategies to get on the same page and I don't have to worry about that, at least not at this point. I love reminders from scripture of how God disciplines us. And God loves us the most of anyone! Our bible verse was this past week was "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." (Hebrews 12:11 NASB) great truth! Disciplining Jude is hard. Especially when I don't feel like it because I'm tiered. But I need to (and want to) do it because I love him! 

After M2M we got our traditional Chick Fil A meal and came home. Can't remember if I said it yesterday but Jude has been taking naps on his floor lately. I put him in his bed but he climbs out and lays on the floor. Only problem with it is that when he wakes up, he's not comfortable so he's up for good. So instead of a two hour nap he has only been taking a one hour nap. 

After nap we cooked dinner and of course.. Cookies!! Jude and I love to make cookies together! I am not sure which part Jude likes the best.. Dumping in the ingredients or getting to lick the spoon and eat chocolate chips. Regardless, it is an activity we both love to do. 

Then we went to church where we studied Ecclesiastes 11. God is so good in reminding me (even though this wasn't the main lesson at all) that he is the one creating this precious little boy that is growing inside me. I am just the body that He is performing a great work in. Awesome! I am so blessed to be able to have children that I am going to try to enjoy this last month of pregnancy. Who knows what is in store for us (more children or not) but for the next month I am going to be positive about it even when it is hard. Attached is what Jude did in church tonight. :-)

Gigi and Papa sent Jude and brother Valentines presents so we got to FaceTime with them after church and open the gift. Jude got Rex and A Toy Story 2 book that we read before bedtime. He also got a big brother book that I am looking forward to filling out with him when this little guy gets here. Precious memories reading with Jude. I just love it! Oh which reminds me, Jude today, holding onto my neck, said "I gotcha, you're my best friend." Best ever!! 

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