Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Big Brother Little Brother

Well the transition from one kid to two kids has not been that difficult. I have been a little hormonal which is different than her I was with Jude. I'm not depressed or anything like that I just feel like I am crazy sometimes. Little bit more emotional and I am a lot more sensitive than I am normally. Jude has been struggling a little bit especially at bedtime. He is getting a little bit better but I think the excitement of having a lot of family here and having a new little brother was difficult for him. He has also been acting out a little bit more and I am not sure if that has to do with his age or has to do with Titus. I think it has to do with both. The last couple of days he's been really sweet and has started to want to hold him. He doesn't want him to sleep in his room yet. But I know he will soon. Today at naptime Titus was already falling asleep in the crib when Jude was going to sleep. I walked out of the room and Jude was completely still and going to sleep. Unfortunately, Titus was not totally asleep and started to cry when I went in there to give Titus back his pacifier Jude wanted me to take Titus out as soon as I did he went to sleep.  This transition I know only lasts a little while and I am excited to see them get to play together.I think it's fun having due to sit in my lap and then letting tightest slip and Jude's lap. I love my two boys so very much.

Titus is HERE

Titus was born on February 20 at 12:13 in the afternoon. At about 6:30 in the morning I went to use the restroom and went back to bed. A few seconds later I felt like I had to go again so I went back and that time when a lot. I asked Ryan what your water breaks is supposed to be like and he laughed saying oh yes because I know. I didn't think too much about it and went back to sleep for about an hour often on getting out of bed to go P. At 8 o'clock I texted Ryan, who is already at work, and he told me to call The doctor and tell them what was going on. The nurse told me to go ahead and go in and they would check to see if it was my water that had broke. I did not have a bag ready so I asked if I could shower and get dressed first and they said yes. I went ahead and got stuff for the hospital just in case my water had broken. Thank goodness Clark was here because I was able to tell him that I was leaving and my exact words were "I may or may not be in labor." I told him I would tell him if I was coming back or send someone here to help with Jude it up I needed to. He thought I was funny saying that I may or may not be in labor but I truly did not know. On the way to the hospital I started feeling more contractions I was texting Ryan, voice text of course while I was driving and telling him when the contraction came. They started getting closer together but we're still not as strong as I remember having them with Jude. When I got to the ER I had to wait for the nurse to come and get me. When she did everyone was moving slowly because I truly did not know if I was in labor. Everyone thought I was crazy for not knowing. Especially after they checked me and found out that my water did break and I was already dilated at a seven. After she checked me that is when the contractions started to get harder. I texted Ryan right away and told him to get there quick. I had that time I did not know that his car would not start at work so he had to get a ride to the hospital from a friend. I hope was wondering what was taking him so long in that explained it. When he got there I was about to get into my new room where I would deliver Titus. It was a good thing we had decided on Titus's name on Tuesday. We had not told anyone but were excited that we had a name. We have not decided what the mill name was but had a couple favorites. Once I got the epidural my contractions to not hurt anymore which is awesome. I delivered shortly after 1213. Family was not able to make it there before Titus was born but they were there at the perfect time after he was born able to come back and see him. I was so thankful for Kristen and Andy for being able to watch Jude and for the fiddlers who came and played with him while Ryan and I were in the delivery room. Judy loves all of those people so much and so do we. Clark went to go get a few things that my parents had asked him to get. It's funny because I got Ryan to text Devon and she asked when she thought that I would  have him and his response was one minute. That was at 12 or two when I had him at 12:13. So awesome! He weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce and was 20 inches long. He looks so much like Jude. After a few minutes we were able to get you to come up and meet Titus. His little unsure but the face of smile and excitement was awesome to see. He is going to make a great big brother. We decided to name him Titus Ryan and I am so happy that we did. We stayed the night in the hospital and I felt so sorry for the parents next to us is there a newborn baby was crying almost the whole night. Titus woke up often but as long as he was being held and cuddled he slept pretty good. Ryan was out snoring on the couch he did not even know that the nurses came and checked on me a couple of times. I delivered Titus at Scott and White Hospital which is different than where I delivered Jude. We had him at college station medical center. Both hospitals are great and all of the nurses were so sweet and kind and helpful. I have been meaning to write this post for a long time. Obviously because Titus is almost a month old already! He is doing awesome it is so sweet. :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Brothers blanket and Grammy's visit

Yay! We have made brothers blanket! Grammy came on Thursday and we made it today :-) I love it! It looks similar to Jude's so they look good in the same room! 

Jude was excited when it was done. 

He loved spending time with Grammy the last couple of days. The boy loves puzzles! On Thursday night right went on our Valentine's Day/prob last date before baby date and Jude and Grammy went to Chick-Fil-A (Jude's choice) and Dollar Tree. I don't know if I should be proud but Jude knew right where they were going when Grammy said "we're going to that place with the green letters" and Jude exclaimed "Dollar Tree!!" Haha. Anyways.. Grammy bought Jude a couple different puzzles and Jude has done hem probably 50 times combined. One is Elmo and one he calls 'the boy puzzle'. We were going to throw the boy one away because it's kind of flimsy but he continues to ask for it and want to do it. He is so patient and works so hard to complete each one. I love it! 

Today is Valentine's Day and Ryan brought me home some roses. I love my two boys so much and this picture is probably a new favorite of mine. I don't even mind not having make up on or my hair fixed. Everyone looks so happy. 

We went to Freddy's for lunch and Jude got to pick out the ice cream (his Valentine's gift from Grammy) and he wanted M&M's. I love this picture and how I captured the ice cream dripping off ;-) 

Alright.. Last thing... Jude got Rex and Toy Story 2 from Gigi and Pap. He always wants to hold them in the car. I think it's so cute! 

That is all for today.. Lots of pics and lots of fun memories. I love my family!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Being a mom

This morning at Mom To Mom we started a section on discipline. Oh the most wonderful part of parenting! Ryan and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to disciplining Jude and I am truly blessed by that. Several of the moms were seeking advice on how to come up with strategies to get on the same page and I don't have to worry about that, at least not at this point. I love reminders from scripture of how God disciplines us. And God loves us the most of anyone! Our bible verse was this past week was "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." (Hebrews 12:11 NASB) great truth! Disciplining Jude is hard. Especially when I don't feel like it because I'm tiered. But I need to (and want to) do it because I love him! 

After M2M we got our traditional Chick Fil A meal and came home. Can't remember if I said it yesterday but Jude has been taking naps on his floor lately. I put him in his bed but he climbs out and lays on the floor. Only problem with it is that when he wakes up, he's not comfortable so he's up for good. So instead of a two hour nap he has only been taking a one hour nap. 

After nap we cooked dinner and of course.. Cookies!! Jude and I love to make cookies together! I am not sure which part Jude likes the best.. Dumping in the ingredients or getting to lick the spoon and eat chocolate chips. Regardless, it is an activity we both love to do. 

Then we went to church where we studied Ecclesiastes 11. God is so good in reminding me (even though this wasn't the main lesson at all) that he is the one creating this precious little boy that is growing inside me. I am just the body that He is performing a great work in. Awesome! I am so blessed to be able to have children that I am going to try to enjoy this last month of pregnancy. Who knows what is in store for us (more children or not) but for the next month I am going to be positive about it even when it is hard. Attached is what Jude did in church tonight. :-)

Gigi and Papa sent Jude and brother Valentines presents so we got to FaceTime with them after church and open the gift. Jude got Rex and A Toy Story 2 book that we read before bedtime. He also got a big brother book that I am looking forward to filling out with him when this little guy gets here. Precious memories reading with Jude. I just love it! Oh which reminds me, Jude today, holding onto my neck, said "I gotcha, you're my best friend." Best ever!! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Starting up again

Well I have no excuse now. I said I stopped writing because my phone was messed up, which was true, but I still could have been doing it. 

I am four weeks away from baby number 2 and I am so excited! I get nervous occasionally only because I know the transition will rock my world but I know Jude will be a great big brother. We got all the baby stuff out of the attic this past weekend and it feels even more real. Not only that but my stomach is poking out more each day and my back hurts as a nice little reminder. Everyone says I'm so small but I don't feel that way. I am just glad Ryan thinks I'm still so beautiful and loved me even more each day. 

Ryan finally shaved his beard today! He has been growing it for the last month. It didn't look horrible but definitely not my favorite. I like when he is clean shaven. And now he is.. Yay!!

Jude is so fun and so chatty all the time. He is starting to figure out emotions and if he does something he doesn't think I approve of he immediately asks if I'm sad. I think it's so sweet. He asks if I'm happy sometimes when I'm mad as a way to get me to smile I think. 

We got our oil changed and hung out in the play room at the car dealership today. Jude loves playing on the car they have in there. There was a five year old little girl in there that kept correcting him and telling him it was a fire truck. Just just smiled and said "I'm driving the car". After we went and had lunch with Dan, Denise, Josh and Barb. Jude sat in Josh's lap the whole time and are with him and played with his phone. After nap we went to the grocery store. I love how when we get home Jude helps
Me unload the car! He is such a great helper around the house!! Lisa came over to do nails and then we went and ate at Torchy Tacos for dinner with Lisa and Mike. Jude was a little hyped up and kept running around. But I had no energy at this point to chase him. Then we went to Best Buy. That is where I got my new phone! Woohoo! 

When we got home we noticed some interesting stars outside. They almost looked like a satellite at first. I'm not sure, it was weird. Ryan is still out there looking at the sky. He just loves God's creation and I'm so thankful to be married to a man who marvels at the work of or Father. He encourages me to do the same. 

Until tomorrow.. Goodnight!