Friday, April 25, 2014

Tank You Mama

Jude several times today has said thank you mama. The first time was this morning when I gave him some fruit loops. He said "tank you mama" with that big smile on his face! It makes mama so happy when he says thank you and then when he said thank you mama I almost cried I was so proud of him!! We went to a stroller strides class this morning with our friends Shona, Nicole, and Devon. It was a lot of fun and Nicole and Shona even when a couple of prizes. Jude watched everybody the whole time. Again I was so proud of him because he did not fuss or cry he just watched and watched. He loves to be outside and watch his mama work. After the workout class there were activities for us to do. He really liked riding in the train. Again, I am so proud of my little boy! 

Yesterday we went to the library for story time and he sat and listened. At the beginning he was a little bored but then he really began to enjoy it when there was singing and began looking at the pictures in the book. I look forward to the summer when we get to go do it more often. 

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