Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jude's First Show

Jude went to his first show on Saturday night! HSU Sing! His Aunt Katie was in it and we traveled across the state to see her :)

I was a little nervous going into it because I had no idea how Jude was going to behave. The show didn't start until 8 and I knew it was a two hour program. But he did awesome!! He watched and clapped and it was the sweetest thing ever!

Katie was a star! She is so talented and stands out because she's so happy up there! I love my sister and am so proud of her! I look forward to going again next year!! 

After the show Jude was a little on the tiered side. But he still have us a couple of great photos! He also wanted to make sure everyone knew how sotmg he was! It's so funny when he flexes his muscles and you can tell he's working so hard to show off. I love it! 

Jude and I slept at Aunt Katie's. Katie realized she would be a good mom (which I already knew) because she woke up when Jude woke up. He snuggled right up next to Katie at one point and she loved it. I loved it to because I thought it was so precious. 

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