Friday, September 20, 2013

Fun in the tub

9/19- When Ryan gives Jude a bath, it's not just your everyday normal bath. He gets the jets going with the bubbles. 🛁The water is swirling and making more bubbles the whole time, so by the end Jude is covered in bubbles. Jude loves it though! It is so sweet walking in there and watching them play together! 

9/18- Jude just recently started noticing the bubbles. He picks them up and holds them in his hands. We got to talk to Brady via FaceTime 📲and it was so cute! They both had bubbles and hats. I wish they got to see each other more often. So we are going to try to Facetime more! 

9/17- mom can give fun baths too! I just get in like it's the swimming pool 👙
We made Santa beards🎅 while we were in there and it was silly,silly. 

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