Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Have to start somewhere....

This morning we started the day off right. We went on a walk while it was still breezy. It is so fun walking around the neighborhood seeing new people! We walked 1.7 miles today and I plan on walking several times a week.

Jude is getting so much more active and playful! He loves to pull all the books out of the bookshelf. I am not sure if he's looking for a book in particular or if he just really enjoys doing it. I love watching him look at books. It's like he's really studying what is on the page. And then he finds a book that he thinks will taste good and he puts it in his mouth. He already has five teeth, three on the top into on the bottom. But it looks like he might be trying to get another one since he eats everything. He's also getting a little bit more chunky. He wants anything mommy and daddy are eating, no baby food. Today for lunch we had pancakes, eggs and bacon.  He liked the pancakes they had Cinnamon and vanilla in them. Oh my goodness Jude is standing all by himself right At this very moment. No joke he just stood for probably five seconds not holding onto anything. His balance is getting a lot better! Ryan thinks that he will be walking before he turns 10 months. I had always thought he would be walking before nine months so maybe I'm right considering he is really starting to work on his balance. He is not afraid to go after anything. If a ball rolls under a shelf or under a chair, he goes right for it. He gets on his stomach and goes for it. We are currently playing in his room. I love being in our house! I feel free to go from room to room and play with toys all in the house since it's all on one floor. We play in his room, the living room and our bedroom. 

For nap time Jude has started sleeping with the teddy bear Ryan got me for my birthday when we were dating. I guess it smells a little like me. He cuddles right up to it. I think it is so sweet. Nap time is A LOT better this week! He's been taking three naps a day. Usually around 9, 1 and 5. This picture was his 5:00 nap. He gets some sleep so he's ready to play with dad when he gets home. I love it!!

Silly willy started sniffing his nose and making this face! It's hilarious!! 

Being that this is the first time I am writing I figured I would just start by talking about our day. My friend Kristin is the one who suggested I do this. And I'm very excited about it! 

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